Monday, 13 March 2017

Hey guys, great day. I feel loads clearer about what needs to be done! I quickly jotted down some questions (as discussed in the session) and asked Henry and Angie them - it felt more like a survey than an interview (perhaps not appropriate for everyone we 'interview')... their answers were GREAT they said they would be filmed on Wed - I appreciate we don't just want our pals but the more the merrier at this stage perhaps, until we know more of what we want. 

These are the questions - 

Can you think of something you buy to alleviate discomfort? 
Does it work? 

Do you feel a pressure to be happy?

Do you feel pressure to be successful?

What does success look like to you? 

I know theres more than 3 but I was just experimenting and once we all have written 3 questions we can see which ones to go for. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. More than 3 here.. Thought may as well throw it all out there. I haven't put them in any order but I think order will effect things so we should bear that in mind. Was trying not to be too leading.. Personally I think we should use some of our questions to anchor/inspire but the interviews will be more interesting if we go with our instinct in trying to discover how people are feeling.
    Maybe we could choose one or two questions we definitely want to ask, so we have that if we want to cross compare in any of the films?
    Also, for the public, they'll want to get away faster than our friends probably, are we aiming for length of interview?
    Are you aware of advertising?
    - Does it affect you in any way?
    Do you feel any pressure or pressures in your life?
    What happens when you’re unhappy?
    What does it mean to be successful?
    What do you do when you need comfort?
    - How often do you need comfort?
    - Why do you need comfort?
    - Are you trying to change a feeling?
    - Does it work?
    Do you ever try and change how you feel? (how often, why, does it work?)
    Are feelings something you live with?
    Do you have an aim in life? (what is it? Can you tell me about it?)
    How do you feel about happiness?
    Are you happy enough?
    Do you ever feel like you are lacking or missing something?
    Do you ever feel like you can’t cope?
    Do you ever put yourself under pressure? What for?

  3. Awesome work, Lucy.

    I definitely agree with Sari in regards to the instinctual means of interviewing, with a few questions to ask all. Order will have an impact too, as you say.

    Im struggling to decide if a big list is best or not?

    At first I thought it might be a good idea to print and use a big list of all questions. However, it might seem unnatural and bring only boring answers. Consistently looking at the interviewees building a rapport whilst asking will leading to them feeling at ease and answering in more depth, etc. This is a tough dilemma as it might be hard to remember all the questions.

    I love the questions too. Finding it hard to add any!

  4. It was super interesting working out what worked with questions. Me, Sari and Shannon did some on Wednesday and its imperative to try out different tacts to get the best from people.

    When we interviewed Will the questioning was far more academic and he was really giving us research content. Whereas when we asked lots of different people around campus it was more shorter questioning trying to encourage more in depth thoughts.

    Questions like "do you feel any pressures in your life?" worked well. Sari made a point of trying to be more ambiguous with the questioning to try and counteract the classic - 'let me give you the answer you want' issue with interviewees.

    I think finding a good starter question is a good idea and, depending on who it is, it's actually just good for us to know what we want to ask when doing shorter snippets as you don't want to take up too much of peoples time.

    It was also really good practice to get to know the camera and the pitfalls of tech on the go! I think we got some really nice stuff, hopefully we can use it across all the things we wish to do!

    I wonder if there is something in how we explain WHAT/WHY the project is post-interview. Are we a collective, striving to work against a system that attempts to dictate the way we should feel, what we should buy and ultimately how we should live our life? Do we want to convey that message?
