Monday, 20 February 2017

THIS IS IT: let's all pack up and go home

So there is a longer post about comfort and capitalism simmering away in the slow cooker of my mind, but this is the pinnacle, I believe, of our society's attempts to transcend the everyday and reach the higher level of comfort.

Firstly fuck Starbucks. Secondly, fuck Starbucks selling a ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLAR MUG

The mug itself is v aesthetically pleasing and its main purpose is to keep your mug at your chosen temperature all day. It is, obviously, a smart mug with an ***app*** that sends you a notification when your drink reaches optimum temperature.

It's a nice idea but I think it's the idea of the energy, both the human labour, (24 attempts to get it right, no less) the costs in terms of producing this, the money spent marketing it, that makes me want to scream. If this is it, if this is the height of civilisation, when we have the ability to choose how hot our drink is, and keep it that way all day (because 6 hour old coffee is soooo nice) via an app on our phones, then we have to ask ourselves what worth it has and its significance to a wealthy lawyer, and a checkout worker. Is it that as soon as we begin to chase comfort it becomes a unattainable goal, and as we have discussed in our group work, is there the potential for dissent in our refusal to satisfy every need?


p.s: the mug is sold out online xxx


  1. Sold out??? I am actually surprised that's the sad thing

  2. You've cracked it here like. What the actual fuck. But this is providing employment for engineers and factory staff - the trickle down economy - perfectly temperate coffee burning the souls of the rest of the world.

    Can you imagine taking this to South Sudan, how many levels of pointlessness can one item hold. Apparently a lot.

    This reminds me of the beginning of a LowKey song. He samples Bill Hicks -

    Weapons for all occasions
    And everyone got excited about the technology
    And I guess it was pretty incredible
    Watching a missile fly down an air vent
    Pretty unbelievable...
    But couldn't we feasibly use that same technology to shoot food to hungry people? - Bill Hicks

  3. I know, it is soooo boring and soo dystopic
    Hahaha numerous levels of gross pointlessness. Makes me want to scream

    That song is so true and such a good point.

    Its this pointlessness we need to fight and ERADICATE

  4. This makes me lose faith in humanity to some degree. How can this be seen as innovative?

    The pointlessness cycle of consumerist products only seems to get worse!
